Congregation Beis Hillel of Flatlands
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​•To maintain the sanctity of our shul and seriousness of our davening, please no idle chatter in shul.

Friday (May 31)
Shacharis at 6:25am
Candle Lighting: 8:01pm (sunset at 8:19pm)
Mincha and Kabbalos Shabbos: 7pm (those families davening with the shul should light candles no later than 7:22pm)

Shabbos (June 1)
Shacharis: 9am (Sof zman Krias Shema is 8:34am/9:10am) 
Children’s Program at 9:15am
Shabbos Mevarchim for Chodesh Sivan
Big kiddish and siyum by Nathan Lipper upon his completion of Mesechta Chagiga with Rabbi Chait. It should be a zchus for the Neshama of Nathan’s father, whose yurtzeit is this week, Shlomo Ben Nesanel, Z”L. 
Ladies shiur @5:30. Refreshments served. Speaker: Pesha Katz. This week’s ladies program is graciously sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Norman Shafar. 
Gemara Shiur by R’ Moshe Weissman: 6:25pm
Chavrusah Learning: 6:55pm
Mincha: 7:40pm (sunset is 8:20pm) 
oFollowed by Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Rabbi Dr. & Mrs. Joel and Bella Zdanowitz commemorating the yurtzeit of Joel’s mother, יהודית יטא בת ר' אשר זעליג הלוי ז''ל
oRav’s Pirkei Avos Shiur @8:55pm
Maariv: 9:10pm (50 minutes after sunset)
Shabbos Ends: 9:21pm (R”T: 9:33pm)

Sunday – Friday (June 2-7) 
oSunday: 8am 
oMonday, Thursday: 6:20am
oTuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:25am
oFriday – ROSH CHODESH – 6:10AM 
Mincha/Maariv: 8:10pm